
Veastro Cloud offers a straightforward and cost-effective pricing model for your backup needs. You pay a flat monthly fee per server, virtual machine (VM), or workstation that you back up, plus a small charge per gigabyte (GB) of data qouta reserved for your repository per tenant.

  • Monthly price per server/VM backed up:
    (Physical) Server: 5 euro VAT excluded (€ 6,05 VAT included)
    VM: 5 euro VAT excluded (€ 6,05 VAT included)
    Workstation: 3 euro VAT excluded (€ 3,63 VAT included)

    Please note: Servers, VM's and workstations will only be billed after a full month of being backed up to the Veeam Cloud Connect repository.
  • Monthly price per GB quota reserved:
    1 GB: € 0,03 VAT excluded (€ 0,0363 VAT included)

    Please note: storage quota can only be increased or decreased in increments of 50 GB.
  • Monthly price for network traffic:
    Uploading and downloading backups is unlimited and free.

Example excluding VAT:

If you back up two physical servers, three VMs, and ten workstations, the monthly costs would be €10 for the servers (2 x €5), €15 for the VMs (3 x €5), and €30 for the workstations (10 x €3), with a subtotal of €55.
Additionally, the reserved repository space for this tenant in this example is 1000 GB of data, with the storage costs amounting to €30 (1000 GB x €0.03), bringing your total monthly cost to €85.

Example including VAT:

If you back up two physical servers, three VMs, and ten workstations, the monthly costs would be €12.10 for the servers (2 x €6.05), €18.15 for the VMs (3 x €6.05), and €36.30 for the workstations (10 x €3.63), with a subtotal of €66.55.
Additionally, the reserved repository space for this tenant in this example is 1000 GB of data, with the storage costs amounting to €36.30 (1000 GB x €0.0363), bringing your total monthly cost to €102.85.

Transparent pro-rata costs:

This transparent pricing model allows you to scale your backup strategy without unexpected costs. We provide clear and detailed invoices that specify all charges on a per-tenant basis. For every created tenant, the invoice will break down the costs associated with the number of servers, VMs, and workstations backed up, along with the total data storage used. Each created tenant will see an itemized list showing the monthly charges for their specific resources.

The costs for storage quota are calculated pro rata on an averaged basis over the span of the month, ensuring fair and predictable billing. If a tenant increases (or decreases) their storage quota by an additional 50 GB, the costs won’t be applied in full immediately. Instead, we average the cost based on actual usage per day throughout the month. This means that tenants are only charged for the storage quota they use per day, reflecting any increases or decreases in quota, making our pricing model both flexible and cost-efficient for growing businesses.

How much tax do I need to pay?

The rate of Value Added Tax (VAT) that we charge is based on the country where your business or you as an individual are registered and works as follows:

Within the Netherlands, a VAT rate of 21% applies.

EU country with a valid VAT ID:
Customers who are not in the Netherlands but live in EU member countries who can provide a valid VAT ID will receive their invoice according to the "Reverse-Charge" procedure, without Dutch tax.
You can check your VAT ID here.

EU country without a valid VAT ID:
We charge customers from EU member states the standard VAT rate of their respective country of origin, as listed in the table VAT rates applied in EU member countries.

Non-EU countries:
Currently, it is (still) not possible to purchase Veastro Cloud services outside of Europe.